Battle in the Building...

We're almost there folks! Thought of Day #6, here we go!

"The laborers carried on their work with one hand supporting their load and one hand holding a weapon. All the builders had a sword belted to their side. The trumpter stayed with me to sound the alarm." Neh. 4:17

This is an account in the Bible when the people were rebuilding the walls of the city. Yet I realize that it is this account that is so often very applicable to our lives. This is a time in my life, especially while I am young, for building walls. It's a time that should be dedicated to building solid foundations around my beliefs, habits and areas of my character. Its a time to figure out exactly who God is calling me to be and the kind of person that I want to become. It's a time where I am learning the desires of God towards my life and changing the way I live to match the plans He has.

While that is all good and dandy (and dont by any means allow me to diminish how important the buidling is) it is during times of wallbuilding that the enemy is stricken with fear. Me leaving behind childish things, high school ambitions and surrendering to the will of God scares him to death. The enemy will do everything in his power to discourage it and he will attempt attacks in the weak places. That's where this verse comes into play. I must constantly be on guard, day and night against the enemy. We must learn to work and build up our character with one hand, defending our faith with the other. God wants do do something miraculous, but there's not point if I let God build something, just to allow it be be torn down a moment later.

It's time to get aggressive! There is a fight that comes with being a Christian and its one which we will be victorious in! We must learn how to get violent witht the enemy, but keep up the growth all the time. For me, I will not compromise my beliefs, character, purity or destiny at my own expense.

Yet this is not where the story ends. Verse 14 of the same chapter says that we fight for family and for home. This building project and this fight are not just for our own benefit. By compromising our destinies, we may also lose our family now and families to come. This is not merely a fight for me, oh no, its a fight for my downline. Its a fight for the generations now and to come. And it is certainly not a fight that I am willing to lose.

Father, thank you for strength in the battle. God I am so excited about all that You are doing and I thank you for the amazing things you have set before me to do. Protect me against any attacks of the enemy. You are raising up a mighty generation and its starts here, with me. Thank you for choosing me, loving me, finding me, calling me and changing me. You are all that I build for, all that I fight for. To you forever be all the glory Lord.

This entry was posted on Saturday, July 16, 2011. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

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