I honestly had no intention of dropping this blog. So much has happened in the last year and a half of life, I am surprised I never documented it!
In the past year, I married my amazing husband Geno. We courted for 11 months and were wed on August 2nd, 2013. It was one of the most amazing days of my life. Geno has brought my life so much joy these past almost 2 years now that we have been together. He is kind, selfless, hard-working, and he loves the Lord with all his heart. He has such a pure heart and he continually finds so many ways to bless me.
We honeymooned in the Napa Valley and have since been living in a small apartment here in Medford. Today, Geno was already at work and I was at home; cleaning, getting a crock pot meal ready for dinner, and making myself a cup of tea when I sat down to do my devotions.
I was reading in Hebrews, chapter 13 when I came across this verse.
"Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” 6 So we can confidently say,“The Lord is my helper, I will not fear; what can man do to me?”' Hebrew 13:5-6
I began to ponder. In the past year of marriage, I regret to say that I did not spend our first months well. The first month, I was just happy to be married, to get to try out my recipes and decorate our new home. But as the weeks and months progressed, discontentment slowly tightened his sickening grip on my heart.
I began to feel restless; I was tired of our small home, tired of the daily challenges it presented, and well, just plain tired. I thought that if only I had a bigger house, a little more room, I might be happier.
That's what we all want isn't it? To be happier? Yet it is in what we determine will make us happier that the real trouble sets in. Discontentment is not a difficult friend to find, he's always waiting for you to just start the conversation.
Last night, Geno and I sat down to watch a documentary we had heard about on Netflix called "Tiny". It features people across the country who have embraced the new trend of "micro-living" and we were pleasantly surprised with what we found! These people live in houses that are 200 square-feet or less! Crazy right?! And yet, very few of them did it for the reasons I thought. Most of them did it purely because they wanted to simplify their lives, build better relationships and focus on what really mattered in life. It was truly quite beautiful.
After watching this documentary, Geno and I began to discuss all that we are thankful for and how much God has blessed us. It was such an encouraging time! I feel ashamed for having spent so much time considering all the things I didn't yet have rather than being grateful for what I did.
Today, reading those verses in Hebrews, I couldn't help but thank God for His goodness in my life. It is so easy in our culture to forget how blessed we truly are. We are so easily distracted to set our eyes on everything we don't have that we miss what truly matters.
I have found that in contentment, there is so much peace. In the arms of contentment, I can rest in the knowledge that I have a God in heaven that knows the desires of my heart, that knows my situations, and that cares.
While discontentment brings his friends fear, jealousy, and frustration, with contentment comes peace, joy and a grateful heart. I don't have to fear the future with my God. With a thankful heart, I can wait on Him, trusting that He has my best in mind.