Day 3 in the week of posts!
Sticky. That's what it's like writing this post. No, I did not spill maple syrup all over my computer. What I mean to say that in writing right now is feels sticky in that it is difficult to find the words to write it. Today, I had a million thoughts bouncing around through my head, but none of them seemed truly worthy of posting. So I just started. The cursor blinking at me mockingly, each word was somewhat of a drudgery. Like pulling tired legs through knee-high sand, I felt the weight of writing tonight. In fact, I feel it now as I type this very sentence. Yet with each character, something sparked within me. This is what life it like! Sometimes, life is sticky. Sometimes there are things that we are to do, but they don't quite come as easily as we would desire. Sometimes it may feel uncomfortable. It may be the changing of a bad habit. It may be stepping out in faith at work. Possibily it means speaking to someone who intimidates you or telling someone how you really feel. It may be starting the project that seems impossible and is looming over you at every turn. The point is, sticky times call for action. Sometimes, you just have to start. Start thinking, typing, talking and walking it out. Open up, step out, go on and move forward. As I began this post, I felt stuck. I also won't pretend that all the "sticky-ness" of this post has magically disappeared. Yet what I realize it that by starting, I accomplished what I set out to do. I wrote. I fought against "sticky" and came out victorious. And I did it all with 31 minutes left on the clock.
This entry was posted on Wednesday, August 8, 2012. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.