As I ponder this word, so many things come to mind. I think of Esther who was chosen above all other women and invited into the courts of the king. I am no different. I have been chosen, in fact I was created specifically for the purpose of serving the greatest King of all. It is He that has invited me into His courts to know Him and be known by Him. How beautiful! I have an invitation by the Lord of the universe. And He knows everything about me. He sees more than King Ahasuerus did, more than a pretty face, brown hair and green eyes. King Jesus sees my everything. He sees character flaws, imperfections, hurts, disappointments, bad attitudes and works in progress. And yet, amidst all these flaws, amidst Him knowing there will be times I disobey and fail, He still invites me.
He tells me to come and take part in all the extravagant gifts He's purchased for me at the price of His own blood. He wraps me in mercy I do not deserve and grace I could never afford. He removes my covering of shame and replaces it with a crown of His glory. He pulls away my cloak of disappointment and gives me His hope.
The immensity of His generousity is too much for me to bear! His is a Kingdom of order instead of chaos, light in place of darkness, joy instead of mourning, beauty for ashes, peace in place of confusion and life rather than death. If there's anywhere I deserve to live, it is not here. Not amidst this beauty and this grace. Yet this is the place that I am invited to spend my life. In this place, my King has built me a home. Though I am not perfect, I am privaledged. I do not deserve a king's love, yet it's the One who's called love that is beckoning me. He would rather die than live without me, though He knew that it was my wrongs that would kill Him. Oh the love of my King! My heart will never understand it. I don't know why I was invited, the mystery of love is beyond my grasp. Yet I know that I dare not miss this invitation by the One who knows me through and through.
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