"I give my life, to honor this: the love of Christ, the Savior King."
This line came up in a song in my prayer and worship time this morning and it drew me into such a state of awe for the God we serve. I began to dwell on the honor and worship that God's worth calls for. We give our lives to honor Christ's sacrafice. It's a sacrafice on our part for what He did on our behalf.
I began to think. We honor our vetrans for fighting for our country. We honor our seniors for paving the way before us. We honor our authorities and our police, firemen and paramedics, for working hard to keep us safe and give us the ability to live a good life. We honor our parents for giving us life and raising us. We honor sacrafice, we honor devotion, we honor mere men who do their jobs - how much more must we honor our King? Our world understands honor to some degree - how much more should the Church? How much more should we pour our lives out at Christ's feet?
A mere "thank you" isn't enough.
A mere good deed with not suffice.
Even a mere ministry does not even begin to give Him all the glory and honor our God deserves.
All we have pails in comparison to Jesus' worth. Yet it is our lives that we must give all the same.
In His love, Christ carried the cross that I was meant to carry. I owe everything that I am to Christ and then some. He willingly traded all His glory and perfect for me imperfection and sin. What amazes me even more, is that He would do it all over again in a heartbeat for us. Every piece of me belongs to Him. Yet how often to we honor Christ with our lives? Many times, I find myself dishonoring more that I am honoring. Each and every day, we must give our lifes to honor this: the love of Christ, the Savior King. Our lives are an offering; a sacrafice I want to choose to make everyday.
Lord, I pray that my life is a pleasing sacrafice to you. Keep my heart on your alter each and every day. Be seated on the throne of my heart. To you belongs the power, glory, honor and praise. My only desire is to worship you with a life that you have given to me. It's yours to begin with. The least I can do it pour it out before you my King. Take my heart, it's yours God through and through.
It's an Honor...
This entry was posted on Wednesday, August 31, 2011. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.