I Want to Be Used by You...

Thought of the Day #3!

'And his armor bearer said to him, "Do all that is in your heart. Do as you wish. Behold, I am with you heart and soul."' 1 Sam. 14:7

This is the account of Jonathan and his armor bearer. Jonathan had just given his armor bearer their game plan to ambush the Philistines, and here was hs response. His armor bearer was ready to give everything to support the vision of his leader. It was his heart that got me thinking...

So often, I pray and ask God to use me. But then I realized, God is already using me.

Sometimes being used by God means that God is using someone else. I always thought that being used my God meant being top-dog, but that's not it at all. God uses other people to see if we'll serve under them. Sometimes using me means God is teaching and using me to serve someone else. Sometimes we must support another person's vision and calling before we are allowed one of our own. God used Jonathan's armor bearer. He was with him heart and soul, and together, they made history. God doesnt just want to use me someday, He is already using me today - but am I doing it right? Am I missing my role as an armor bearer because I am too busy trying to be a Jonathan?

I do believe that God has individual plans and purposes for each person. However, I dont want to miss what God is doing in and through me right now because I am too busy looking to push myself to the top. God is ready to use us, will we let Him do it how He pleases?

This entry was posted on Wednesday, July 13, 2011. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

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