Archive for July 2011

Finish Strong...

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Woohoo! I made it all the way to Thought of the Day #7. I am now about to finish what I started and complete the task I set before myself to do. And it feels great! Which is why I chose this last day to talk about finishing. Now I know it wasnt some great huge feat that I completed...all I did was write every day for a week! But it wasnt easy. Around Thursday, I just did not want to write. Nothing came to mind immediately and it was difficult to make myself write that day, but I did it. And I am proud to say I finished what I started.

Ecclesiastes 7:8 reads,

"Finishing is better than starting, patience better than pride."

This got me thinking. It doesnt take much to start something. All it takes is some inspiration. In most cases, it takes no knowledge, wisdom or experience - it takes nothing. Anyone can start something, but it takes a special kind of person to finish it. Finishing requires diligence. Finishing requires pain. It requires patience and stick-to-itiveness even in the most trying circumstances.

A person who finishes has built themselves something in the process. This person knows the obstacels of the journey. They've encountered the stuggles and felt themselves the stings of pain. They that finish, finish with new wisdom. They have built their character, and they have something to be proud about.

It is a very good thing to start something. Afterall, we must all start before we can finish. The verse does not say that starting is bad, only that finishing is better. I want to be a passionate starter, but I also want to finish what I start well and with zeal. Over the course of my life, there have sadly been many things that I started, never to finish. There are 3 areas that personally I want to carry this mentality into:

1. My word - I want to be a person that follows through with what I say. Promises and saying I will or will not do something do not start when I begin the activity, but from the very moment that I give my word. I want to see my word through to completion and finish it with excellence.

2. In conduct - When I begin a skill or habit, I dont want to just start it because I get excited and allow it to stop when the excitement wears off. In everything I do, I will see it through.

3. My faith - The Christian race is one that lasts our entire lives. Maturity never stops. Learning never stops. Evangelism never stops. Love for God and for people never stops. In every aspect of my Christian walk from disciplining others to being discipled myself, ought to be something I start and continue until (and so that) one day I will hear, "Well done, My good and faithful servant." Until the final "well done" (and even into eternity!) I want every mile of the race to be well done so that I can hear that "well done" one day. Yet this will be in part of patience (the other part of the verse), not the pride or the sake of my name to be known. It will be a well done for a life lived to the glory of my King, seeing through to completion the work He has given for me to do.

My prayer is that I would learn to be a finisher in all aspects of life. Yet the race doesnt end because I finish one leg, I will constantly pressing onward to the next challenge. We must be people who will finish what we start.

Lord, help me to finish what I start, for I know I can't always do it on my own. Teach me to be a light and example in the things you have set before me to do. i am willing to start, but Lord help me to face the trials that come as I draw nearer to my finish line. I trust that you are going to help me complete great things for your name. To you be all the glory.

Battle in the Building...

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We're almost there folks! Thought of Day #6, here we go!

"The laborers carried on their work with one hand supporting their load and one hand holding a weapon. All the builders had a sword belted to their side. The trumpter stayed with me to sound the alarm." Neh. 4:17

This is an account in the Bible when the people were rebuilding the walls of the city. Yet I realize that it is this account that is so often very applicable to our lives. This is a time in my life, especially while I am young, for building walls. It's a time that should be dedicated to building solid foundations around my beliefs, habits and areas of my character. Its a time to figure out exactly who God is calling me to be and the kind of person that I want to become. It's a time where I am learning the desires of God towards my life and changing the way I live to match the plans He has.

While that is all good and dandy (and dont by any means allow me to diminish how important the buidling is) it is during times of wallbuilding that the enemy is stricken with fear. Me leaving behind childish things, high school ambitions and surrendering to the will of God scares him to death. The enemy will do everything in his power to discourage it and he will attempt attacks in the weak places. That's where this verse comes into play. I must constantly be on guard, day and night against the enemy. We must learn to work and build up our character with one hand, defending our faith with the other. God wants do do something miraculous, but there's not point if I let God build something, just to allow it be be torn down a moment later.

It's time to get aggressive! There is a fight that comes with being a Christian and its one which we will be victorious in! We must learn how to get violent witht the enemy, but keep up the growth all the time. For me, I will not compromise my beliefs, character, purity or destiny at my own expense.

Yet this is not where the story ends. Verse 14 of the same chapter says that we fight for family and for home. This building project and this fight are not just for our own benefit. By compromising our destinies, we may also lose our family now and families to come. This is not merely a fight for me, oh no, its a fight for my downline. Its a fight for the generations now and to come. And it is certainly not a fight that I am willing to lose.

Father, thank you for strength in the battle. God I am so excited about all that You are doing and I thank you for the amazing things you have set before me to do. Protect me against any attacks of the enemy. You are raising up a mighty generation and its starts here, with me. Thank you for choosing me, loving me, finding me, calling me and changing me. You are all that I build for, all that I fight for. To you forever be all the glory Lord.

It's in the Little Things...

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Thought of the Day #5
What is happiness? Is it eating ice cream or running through sprinklers? Is it Christmas or family or friends? Is happiness found in a blue-sky, sunshine day or curled up by the fire, hot chocolate in hand, during the winter? Is it spending all day with someone you love or hearing the laughter of a child? Now I do not attempt to tell you all the reasons in life we need to be happy, though there are many, and I dont aim to explain the secret to always being happy in life. What I do know is that there are little things all around, small opportunities to smile each day.

This topic reminds me of this silly show I remember as a kid. It was called "American Dragon: Jake Long" and it was the kind of show you watched when there was nothing else on and you wanted an excuse to not have to clean your basically I thought it was pretty lame. Yet one thing I really remember about the show was my two favorite characters, sisters that were called the Oracle Twins. In the show, these girls could see the future. One was very dark and gloomy and yet she saw all the good things the future would hold. The other was very peppy and happy all the time, yet she always foretold disaster and bad things to come. In the episode I remember, someone asked why the girls acted one way, yet foresaw the opposite. The first, the gloomy one, said that since she knew that good things were bound to happen, all she had to look forward to was negative. Yet the other sister then gave her side saying that since she only saw the horrible things to come, even the slightest chance to be happy she adored.

Little did I know it then, but what these cartoon characters said held a great deal of truth. Sometimes, even when good things are happening, all we choose to see is the trials ahead. Sometimes its easy to focus on the negative things we are facing or that we think may lume ahead, but we never stop to ponder the chances to be happy even though they are right in front of our face.
I think we need to take a different approach. We need to learn to be like the other twin. She understood that the dismal events in life only make the little rays of sunshine shine brighter. She understood what it meant to find joy even in the most trying of times.

Now I know it may not be some amazingly deep theological analysis, but I think it is important to take time to appreciate the little things in life. Take a walk on a sunny day, admire the flowers in the country, enjoy good music and good food. Take time to see the little things and dont let their beauty escape your attention. What are we missing because we are too focused on the wrong things?

Wise Spending...

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Thought of the Day...already day #4!

Today I spend the day with a close friend, going to coffee, attempting to go to the library (which apparently is closed on Thursdays!) and going to the park. And you know what? We had a great time! However, we got to talking how fast time flies. Not only just hours when you are having a fun day, but entire chapters of life seem to fly by. Just yesterday I was going into my first year of Armor Bearers and now, in less than 7 weeks, I'm already in my third year!

This got me thinking about my thought for today to share. How quickly the years go by these days! So often, I talk or at least think about the future. I think of how I cant wait to be older and do this or that. Yet I have realized to really treasure my youth. I wont have it forever, this I know very well. Each and every day I want to live with purpose. I know my future schedule and responsibilities wont always allow me to spend a day with my friend like I did today. Now I dont plan on playing around during all my youth, yet I realize to really enjoy it. I do not agree with a wasted youth, but I want mine to be well spent.

I remember taking the "7 Habits of Highly Effective People" module with Pastor Kim my first year. I remember her telling us that we ought to think of spending our time as spend our money. If we were given a certain amount of money to spend over a span of time, I would consider how wisely I would spend it. How often do we spend time like we do money. Many ponder big financial decisions, yet spend great amounts of time carelessly. Just like money spent, time spent will not return to us. We must spend our time wisely.

Seasons come and go. See the beauty in every season, the opportunity in every day. We only get one life to live, a certain amount of time to spend. Have fun, live responsibly, laugh a lot, and enjoy. Just remember, you will never get back yesterday or make tomorrow happen sooner, all we have to today to spend as wisely as we possibily can.

I Want to Be Used by You...

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Thought of the Day #3!

'And his armor bearer said to him, "Do all that is in your heart. Do as you wish. Behold, I am with you heart and soul."' 1 Sam. 14:7

This is the account of Jonathan and his armor bearer. Jonathan had just given his armor bearer their game plan to ambush the Philistines, and here was hs response. His armor bearer was ready to give everything to support the vision of his leader. It was his heart that got me thinking...

So often, I pray and ask God to use me. But then I realized, God is already using me.

Sometimes being used by God means that God is using someone else. I always thought that being used my God meant being top-dog, but that's not it at all. God uses other people to see if we'll serve under them. Sometimes using me means God is teaching and using me to serve someone else. Sometimes we must support another person's vision and calling before we are allowed one of our own. God used Jonathan's armor bearer. He was with him heart and soul, and together, they made history. God doesnt just want to use me someday, He is already using me today - but am I doing it right? Am I missing my role as an armor bearer because I am too busy trying to be a Jonathan?

I do believe that God has individual plans and purposes for each person. However, I dont want to miss what God is doing in and through me right now because I am too busy looking to push myself to the top. God is ready to use us, will we let Him do it how He pleases?

The Same Blood...

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Thought of the Day #2... Here we go!

"Not with the blood of calves and goats, but with His own blood He entered to Most Holy Place once for all, having obtained eternal redemption." Hebrews 9:12

This verse from my Bible reading today got me really thinking about the blood of Christ...

The same blood that was spilled in Jesus' death is the same blood that gives us life.
The same blood that binds the enemy, sets the captives free.
The same blood that heals the sick, heals wounds of the heart.
The same blood that gives us authority, teaches us humility.
The same blood that paid the price, beckons us to pick up our cross.
The same blood that urges us towards righteousness is the same blood that brings clarity.
The same blood that compels us to win the lost, teaches us to love our neighbor.
The same blood that He gave, has the power to save.

Its the same blood. But we are never the same once we encounter it.

A Child's Eyes...

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Hey so guess what? I have come to the decision that I am going to do something special for my blog this week. What is it you may ask? Well allow me to tell you...
This week, I plan on doing a "Thought of the Day" concept for each day for the next 7 days. It may seem a little pointless, but I thought, "What the heck, might as well!" So here I am, about to write my thought for day...

Which brings me to my title, "A Child's Eyes"

This morning in my prayer time, the song "Healer" by Kari Jobe came across my worship playlist. As I listened, I felt drawn to a certain part of the song. It goes,

"Nothing is impossible for you, you hold my world in your hands...More than enough for me, Jesus you are all I need."

As I pondered this phrase, the first thing that came to mind was the child's Sunday school song, "He's Got the Whole World In His Hands" I began to think what this song meant as a child. When I would sing it as a little tike, I believed it through and through. I knew that my God was bigger than any circumstance and He was everything I would ever need. Its funny the faith of children...yet it is also so very challenging. How simple,
how thoughtless it was to believe that God held my whole world. Yet today, there are days that, though in theory I believe it, I don't deep within my heart. Is that what happens when we grow up? Why do we lose that child's faith?

Here's what I think. Just because we grow older, just because we have more responsibilities, doesnt mean God let's our world slip from His grasp. Just because now our world holds a whole lot more, does not mean He let's it go. A child's eye somehow just doesnt see reason to worry very often. Though I do not encourage us to act as children in respect to being completely carefree and reckless, I do believe we need to begin to see though our child's eyes once again. We must come to realize that God is everything we need and every little detail He hold's so very carefully. The weight of our world is never overwhelming to Him, even as tiring as it may seen to us. We must not try to take it from His hands either. Let God hold your world and trust that He will never let it fall. Don't be afraid to be a child once again.

The House You're Building...

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I am a busybody. I will admit it, I like always having something to do. Whether that means taking a walk, writing a letter, cleaning house, baking a cake, or going to coffee with a friend, I refuse to let myself get bored. I was thinking today about how I will never be "done." Perhaps I may finish a project, but I will never get to the point in life where there is nothing left to do, no one left to talk to, not another mountain to climb. While at first, this thought was exciting, I realized how exhausting it also seemed.

I began to think about my life, where I've come from and where I am going. About how there have been som many times in my life that I thought I was doing one thing, and God came in and changed my direction. There have been other times that I have been trying to do exactly what God told me to do, and then failed. I am so hard on myself sometimes, and I beat myself up quite a bit. I then began to think of the growth process. God leads each person on a journey, to grow each and every day, through the victories and the failures, the laughter and tears, people coming and going, hurts and joys, disappointments and excitements. I thought, "That is such a beautiful process." It brought me back to a journal entry I had all the way back in September. If you will allow, let me share it with you.

I journaled on the verse Hebrews 10:14 which reads, "For by a single offering he [Christ] has perfected for all time those who are being sanctified." (ESV). In the NLT it reads, "For by that one offering, he made perfect those who are being made holy." At first, my reaction to the verse was, "Wow, that's awesome! Christ made us right with God forever!" But God was not done speaking to me. Here is what I wrote that day:

"'Those who are being made holy' includes me - it means the Christians. It was by Christ's sacrafice on the cross that He made us perfect in the Father's eyes. Each day as a Christian is part of the perfection/holy-making/sanctification process. Each day as we seek God and learn to walk in His ways, we grow closer to perfection. Though we will never by 'perfect' in this life, God sees the end result. Jesus' blood, His sacrafice, is the lense through which God looks at our lives. He sees no stain on us. He sees exactly who He made us to be in complete perfection. However, that does not mean we stay just the way we are. The verse says we are being made holy and that is process that we must take part in! C.S. Lewis writes about this is Mere Christianity. He quotes another author in comparing the sanctification process to a house. When Jesus enters our lives, He makes repairs on the house that we already knew needed taken care of (like the leaky roof or bad gutters which could be a problem with lying, gossip, etc. that we knew needed addressed). But then He does something strange. Jesus starts tearing down walls and pulling apart framework. What we thought was a decent little cottage (a simple life as a "good Christian"), is meant to be a magnificent palace which He is building to come live inside himself. It's either all or nothing with Christ. We either accept Him as all He is and let Him make us perfect like himself, or we reject Him altogether. There can be no lukewarmness here - the Father sees us as perfect and the Son is going to make the real deal match the Father's vision. It's almost like the Father sees the house's blueprint, then Jesus got the contract signed with His blood, and now the Holy Spirit is helping to build us to look like the blueprint that the Father desires. I don't want to disappoint the Father or make the Son's sacrafice go to waste. While at times part of me desires to build the cottage, the palace must be my aim. It's a hard, long process, but it's attainable through Him who gives me strength."

The Christian life is a process. Each day we have to get up and get back to work. Though we may fail at times, the important thing is that we keep building. I find encouragement that God sees me as I am becoming, not always as I am right now. He sees the big picture, not just one section. I think that is sometimes also why God is greived when we arent walking in the plans He has for us. He can see everything that we are created to be in perfection, yet we are settling for so much less. We need to begin to look at life in light palace God is creating us to be, not the cottage that we may desire. In Psalm 127:1 it reads, "Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain."

Lord, I pray that I would ever get caught up in building the life I want rather than the life you have created me for. Help me to see the process as beautiful, even during the times that I get tired and want to quit. Train me to walk in your ways and guide me by the hand. Take my life Lord, let it be built according to your plan.