Today, for many, was graduation day (a whole other blog story about new beginnings thus presents itself - perhaps another blog later?) For the rest, school has ended for the summer and everyone is excited. Another year gone by, another load of classes finished and everyone's another year older. Most people have their summers planned out. I too, am not different.I know all the things that I want
to accomplish and I'm looking forward to all the memories I am going to make. I am going to be working, I want to read 5 books, I want to take 10 people out for coffee, I want to go camping, I want to get a tan, I want to grow my friendships, I want to start my own cell group, I want to figure out an exercise plan, I want to have fun! That's what the summers of our youth are supposed to be right? Fun in the sun? Relazation and a break from homework? A free schedule and plenty of laughs? While these are all true, summers, I believe, are a lot more.

Like I mentioned, most people already have their summer activities planned out. They know what they will do and who they will do it with.Summer, I have learned, can be such a fun time, but also be a time of great destruction. It is so easy to ruin your destiny in the name of 'summer fun'. It is during the summer that not only the schedules are looser. People wear looser clothes, use looser words, make plans loosely and make decisions even looser. It is so easy to get caught up in the 'fun' in summer, and be dragged away from the things of God. It's so easy to just give in to temptation because the structure of life is taken away. There are so many ways that this can happen. Summer gossip, summer hookups, summer laziness and summer parties. It is easy for summer fun to become summer dumb.
Here's what I think. Summers are to be a time of strengthening. A time to get closer to God. You have free time, so read your Bible. You need new music, so find some great worship artists. You have a free schedule, so go build your friendships. You have a summer, so go use it to glorify God. Proverbs 10:5 says that a wise youth harvests in the summer. This summer should also be a time harvest. A time to win soulds for the Kingdom of God. Summer is a great time to just go talk to people about your faith. So have a BBQ and invite some unsaved friends. God have coffee with a person you can witness to.God play volleball in the park and evangelize to the kids on the other court. Do something.
Summer is a time to learn and grow. There are so many opportunities to lose your destiny in the summer, but also so many opportunities to reach people and expand your knowledge, relationships and personal character. It's time that we look at summer a little differently. It's time that we look at it like wise youth as a time of harvest, not only of souls, but of personal preparation for the future. Summer puts the opportunities before us, but only we can choose the way we will spend them.