Well, I'm a first-timer to all this blogging stuff, so give me a little slack.
Today I was asked why I wanted to start a blog and I began to ponder this. I guess the whole reason dates back to inspiration. Everyone wants to inspire others. Popular kids want to inspire people to look at them and ponder what a great life they have. Nerds want to inspire people with their intellect. Even scary gothic kids want people to stop at the sight of the way they dress or talk so they can be seen as different. Inspiration is something that gives us purpose. I am no different, and yet so at the opposite end of the spectrum
in a different respect. Yes, I want people to see me, but not truly for the kind of clothes I wear, the way I do my makeup or even the music I listen to. I want people to see something much deeper. Something that is truly, beneath the surface. And when it comes down to it, it really isnt me at all that i want them to see. It's Christ. I pray every day that when people look at my life, they see Christ living in me. If all they see is this disgusting, worthless human, thinking merely human, selfish thoughts, doing worldly things, there would be no point. But I want to be used by God as a vessel and a testimony of His amaing power and love and I believe this is such a great way to that. I want to show people my life and let it stand as a challenge to find out what in their life is worth living for. Do you have a purpose? Do you have true joy? Do you have vision and dreams? So yes, I want to inspire. Inspire to live, to love, to grow, to press on, to have faith, to learn and to have fun. The way I figure it, even if no one else is to ever read this blog, at least I myself, I believe, will grow a little along the way and learn a bit more about myself. So join me, as I go on my journey to look at life through a little different lense. Let's look from a different angle, let's look beneath the surface.
Today I was asked why I wanted to start a blog and I began to ponder this. I guess the whole reason dates back to inspiration. Everyone wants to inspire others. Popular kids want to inspire people to look at them and ponder what a great life they have. Nerds want to inspire people with their intellect. Even scary gothic kids want people to stop at the sight of the way they dress or talk so they can be seen as different. Inspiration is something that gives us purpose. I am no different, and yet so at the opposite end of the spectrum