God is so worthy to be praised.
To think the most worthy Being of all thinks I am worthy of His love, worth so much that He would even die for the sins with which I spat in His face.
It breaks me at my deepest parts to be wrapped in a love such as this.
No human can create it,
no devil can steal it,
no death can conquer it,
and no words can make it any less true.
How can I but praise Him?
How can I but fall at His feet?
Oh the love of our Savior, Jesus! Oh the longing of my Lord for my soul!
The other day, one blogger wrote such beauty overflowing from her heart.
"God said "Let there be light."
And was there ever.
It flowed from Him like a song, poured out in purity and radiance.
But what is light without refraction? What is light without the defining dark?
Thus God painted boldly His story of perfection in the midst of brokenness, beauty splattered in filth, strength bowed in humility, wholeness seared with pain.

We look into the face of a savior, Redeemer, while the heavenly beings see only "Creator".'
What a thought to ponder. We are among those created in the image of the Almighty, designed specifically for His pleasure and made for worship. It is strange to think, angels can worship God, for He is holy and perfect and Lord. They can worship their Creator and Lord, but we worship also our wonderful Savior and our God, Redeemer.
What beauty.
I am drawn, for I cannot help to kneel before the King.
For it is this love that makes me want me to grow more into His likeness.
It's this love that makes me desire to make my hazy reflection of His image grow clear.
Oh how I wish to please His heart! How I long to be able to give Him the worship He's worthy of!
He's beautiful.
He's worthy.
He's Lord.