As I flew in our plane and gazed upon the mountains yesterday, I could not help but be captivated by their beauty. Remarkable. Every groove, every detail, shaped by the Potter's hands, formed in His mind and created with a breath. Every tree thoughtfully placed, every river and brook ingeniusly designed. The way the sun spills over the crests of the mountain ranges - He's just playing with me now! The beauty is astounding! Reality more beautiful than any fiction author could depict. How our God loves us! He thoughtfully designed this place for us to live. How could one come to the conclusion that there is no God? The thought He put into mankind, each like Him in spirit, yet all so unique. No face the same, no personality alike. No one person a replica of another in all the earth
. It's too much for me to even consider. God is so good. Yes, man too has a creative nature, yet no invention of man compares to the amazing creativity of God. As the ocean's waters reflect the sun, so they also reflect the majesty of my Maker.

As I spent the last week of my time in the beautiful city of Oradea, Romania, along with a wonderful day in the majestic Budapest, Hungary, one cannot help but be reflective. One day we made our way through Oradea, up to the trek to Mushroom hill to a spectacular view of the whole city. As we began to pray for Oradea and for Romania, I was overwhelmed with the idea that the God we serve is so big. The same God resides and reigns as much in Romania as He does at home. As we worshiped in Romanian during the services, the Presence of God fell there as it does when He is praised in English. As we toured through Budapest, I found I was walking through one of the most beautiful cities my eyes have ever beheld. Remarkable arcitechture and breath-taking views made my spirit leap and my mind reel. Upon the many places we visited, we witnessed a great many churches including the renouned St. Stephen's Basilica. Seeing places like this that brought God glory was amazing. My brain felt like studdering at the beauty. Even as I write, my heart writhes within me, feeling clenched because of the realization of how amazing the last week has been and about how great our God truly is. I know my thoughts do not sound cohesive or
in order as they normally might, but I simply could not hold them within me.

If I could take one thing from this week, it would be to say that God is great and worthy to be praised. How He created this earth, to how He moves among His people, I am completely captivated in love and awe for my God. He is so good. My vocabulary stuggles to find adequete words to describe it and my heart can do nothing but bow. Oh the greatness of God! All glory is due Him. All praise is required. Thank you Lord for Your goodness, Your love, Your holiness and for who You are. I give you the glory my King. (:
"I will extol you, my God and King, and bless your name forever and ever. Everyday I will bless you and praise your name forever and ever. Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised, and his greatness is unserchable." Psalm 145:1-3